Imported Hardwood Pumaquiro
Latin Name: Aspiodsperma megalocarpum
Family: Apocynaceae - the Dogbane family
Other Common Name(s): Alcarreto, Ararauba, Araracanga, Chapel, Chaperna, Chichica, Copachi, Gavetillo, Jacamin, Kiantioutiou, Koumanti Oudou, Kromanti Kopi, My Lady, Nielillp Negro, Pelmax, Peruvian Alder, Quillo Caspi, Shibadan, Volador
Imported Hardwood
Suitable for Exterior/Interior Use
Interior Use Only
Flooring, Furniture, Interior Trim, Millwork, Mouldings
Pumiquaro is found growing in Mexico and throughout Central America down to the lower basin area of the Amazon River. The tree thrives in moist soil.
General Description: The sapwood is grayish-white when fresh cut, but darkens upon exposure and blends into the heartwood. The heartwood is bright reddish-orange to a reddish-brown, upon exposure it turns a pinkish-brown to an orange-brown. The grain can be straight or irregular and interlocked, with a medium texture that is fairly uniform.
Price Range ($ least expensive, $$$$$ most expensive):
Working Properties
Machining: Good
Nailing: Fair
Glueing: Good
Screwing: Fair
Finishing: Good
Physical Properties
Weight (lbs/BF): 4.583
Specific Gravity: 0.75-0.95
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 15,000-25,200
Modulus of Elasticity (1,000 psi): 2,710-3,600
Side Hardness (lbs): 2070
Additional Information
Item Availability
Not currently in stock, but please contact us to inquire about availability.