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Mahogany, South American-image

Imported Hardwood Mahogany, South American

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FSC Available

Latin Name: Swietenia macrophylla

Family: Meliaceae - the Mahogany family

Other Common Name(s): Acajou, Acajou Amerique, Aguano, Belize Mahogany, Big Leafed Mahogany, Bigleaf Mahogany, Brazilian Mahogany, Caguano, Cao, Caoba, Caoba De Atlantico, Caobilla, Chiculte, Cobano, Gateado, Genuine Mahogany, Honduras Mahogany, Mahogany, Mara, Mongo, Orura, Palo Zopilote, South American Mahogany, True Mahogany

Imported Hardwood

Suitable for Exterior/Interior Use
Interior and Exterior

Cabinets, Carving, Exterior Trim, Furniture, Flooring, Interior Trim, Millwork, Mouldings, Shipbuilding, Turnings

So. American Mahogany grows naturally southern Mexico to Brazil, as well as many of the Carribean islands. Although it is often referred to as Honduras Mahogany, because that is where the first exports we reported to have begun, it is no longer exported from Honduras. It grows in dry forests, but has all be know to grow in moist setting also. Often times this species is referred to by the location of the origin of the timber, an example is Brazilian Mahogany's place of origin is Brazil, etc.

General Description: The sapwood is a whitish to yellowish color, and is very distinct from the heartwood. The heartwood varies in color depending on the region it grows. The color range is from a yellowish-tan to light grayish-tan to a pinkish-tan. The heartwood darkens with exposure and kiln drying to a rich red or brown color. The grain is often straight, but can contain ropey, swirly, or curly grain patterns. Storied rays can produce wavy horizontal bands across the surface of flat sawn boards. The texture can range from fine to medium and sometimes even coarse.

Price Range ($ least expensive, $$$$$ most expensive):

Working Properties
Machining: Excellent
Nailing: Excellent
Glueing: Excellent
Screwing: Excellent
Finishing: Excellent

Physical Properties
Weight (lbs/BF): 3.6
Specific Gravity: 0.54-0.59
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 8,840-11,510
Modulus of Elasticity (1,000 psi): 1,300-1,420
Side Hardness (lbs): 800

Additional Information
While the species is currently protected and watched by CITIES, there is still adequate production to handle current demands.

Item Availability
4/4 FAS
4/4 FAS Pattern
4/4 FAS Quartered & Rift
4/4 #1Com & Btr
4/4 FAS
4/4 FAS Pattern
4/4 FAS Quartered & Rift
4/4 #1Com & Btr
5/4 FAS
5/4 FAS Pattern
5/4 FAS Quartered & Rift
5/4 #1Com & Btr
6/4 FAS
6/4 FAS Pattern
6/4 FAS Quartered & Rift
6/4 #1Com & Btr
8/4 FAS
8/4 FAS Pattern
8/4 FAS Quartered & Rift
8/4 #1Com & Btr
10/4 FAS
10/4 FAS Pattern
10/4 FAS Quartered & Rift
10/4 #1Com & Btr
12/4 FAS
12/4 FAS Pattern
12/4 FAS Quartered & Rift
12/4 #1Com & Btr
164/4 FAS
16/4 FAS Pattern
164/4 FAS Quartered & Rift
16/4 #1Com & Btr

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